Foo Camp 2004: What is Thought?
Notes from Eric Baum's "What is Thought" session at Foo Camp 24.

Just waiting for author Eric Baum's What is Thought session to start. The session will focus (or so I think) on Eric's book of the same name.
This is a tough session to blog! The essential bits are that the mind is a set of modules that each are able to effectively recognize a particular concept or thing - these modules interact to solve a much larger set of problems than they could individually.
Dave Hunt wondered if there could be a language that allows more direct communication between modules. I suggest that a third-party arbitrator (like the Perl interpreter) enables humans to communicate in a fashion that is more like Dave's wonderings. Larry Wall says this will become abstruse. This is abstruse and I retreat. :)
Keywords: Searles, Dreyfus, Chalmers, Occam's Razor
Formal views of Occam's Razor: Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension, Minimum Description Length, Bayesian Probability